Look! New Credit Card Features!

We've got exciting news to share! We're rolling out some new credit card features that are all about making your journey to financial prosperity a little easier. Let’s check them out.

Effortless Balance Transfers

Say goodbye to high interest rates and hello to savings! The new Balance Transfer feature simplifies consolidating your high-interest balances, putting more money back in your pocket. Here's how it works:

Step 1: Locate the Balance Transfer button.

Step 2: Provide the required information, like your account number and the payment address for the other card.

Step 3: Click "Next". If there are any errors, we'll guide you through any additional information that may be needed.

Step 4: Review the details and click "Next" to finalize the transfer.

Step 5: Congrats! You've completed a balance transfer!

Card Lock/Unlock Made Easy

Misplaced your credit card? No worries! Card Lock gives you control and peace of mind.

Step 1: Find the Green Lock Card Button.

Step 2: Click it.

Step 3: Confirm you want to lock your card.

Step 4: Boom! You locked your card.

Step 5: Found your card? Ready to use it again? Look for the Red Unlock Card Button.

Step 6: Confirm and your card is ready for action.

Seamlessly Add Travel Notifications

Let us know of your trips with ease. It's faster than a postcard!

Step 1: Hit the Travel Notifications button.

Step 2: Enter your departure date, return date, and whether you'll be traveling within the US or internationally.

Step 3: Let us know where you're going.

Step 4: Hit Submit and have a nice trip!

Download The Prospera Mobile Banking App

Online banking optimized for your iPhone or Android device. It’s easy, convenient and keeps you connected to your finances wherever you are!