So, we’re in offline mode. What does that mean?

The Branch Stuff:

Paper Receipts: For now, we're handing out temporary paper receipts for any transactions you make in-branch.

Patience, Please: Transactions might take a tad longer than usual to process, so hang tight!

Old School Loan Apps: If you're applying for a loan, we're going old school with paper applications for the time being.

The Online Banking and App Stuff:

Balances and Services: Balances and some services on our Online Banking and app might not be accurate or available right now.

Transactions or Transfers: Unfortunately, you won't be able to make any transactions or transfers through these platforms for the time being.

AI Virtual Assistant Stuff:

It's Still Here to Help: Our virtual assistant is still here to help you out over the phone. Although it is unable to process transactions and applications, it will still happily offer to transfer you to a call center representative when you call.

It's a bummer to be offline in today's digital age - but hey! - it's all part of our commitment to make banking with PCU as easy as possible. Rest assured, your funds and transactions are still super safe at PCU!

We're sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. We're hustling to get everything back up and running smoothly ASAP.

Thanks for being a member and rolling with us through this!

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